Saturday, September 10, 2011

Betta Shows

As many of my you may or may not know, i am new to internet betta sales. I spent the last 6-7 years selling my bettas exclusively at shows around the world. Betta shows from most betta societys and leagues, have 2 types of betta sales at each show,
 1- there is a "cash table" section of sales in which public can buy direct for cash at flat set prices established by the breeders.
 2- "auction tables" auction tables are exactly what they sound like, an open auction, in which public can bid and purchase every betta entered into the auction sales table organization etc.
  So in 6-7 yrs in betta shows around world i learned an awefull lot, and betta shows ( at least the realy good societys like the 100 yr old ones in uk and europe ) are the only method, technique, or way on earth to truly establish whoo is best betta breeders on earth and which betta specimens have finest most perfect, least flawed genetics etc. So to any of you interested in learning all you can about bettas and betta genetics, i highly recommend spending few years folowing the worlds betta shows circuits around! The knowledge you will gain especially from meeting and talking with top breeders of the world, is priceless and much more sacred then you will find in decades of reading and searching web. If you truly want learn everything you can about breeding and recognizing the finest betta genetics in world, spend few years on tour of shows and picking the brains of getting to know top breeders. If  there is one piece of advice for beginners interested in breeding the finest bettas in world, it'd be to spend many yrs as possible touring the worlds most prestigious betta societys and shows!


  1. This is HarpersGirl2008 that you blocked from Youtube before I could get a chance to prove you wrong. I'm a 27 yr old chick from Atlantic Canada, not the breeder who told you to keep your back yard hick mentality to yourself. I am a Betta owner, not a breeder. I quite frankly see no use in it. You're one seriously disturbed fuck. I am enjoying flagging your bullshit. How about setting your alarm clock for bright and early tomorrow morning, making a little phone call to your closest physician and booking an appointment to get that head of yours checked. There's medication for whatever the fuck it is you got. There said my piece. Ass.

  2. Oh and by the way, each person who posted is REAL. You're shit is all over Betta forums world wide and we're laughing at you. Breeders, owners... everyone. So before you go shooting your mouth off saying one person is posting? Check your facts, do a Google search and I'm sure you'll find it. Actually no, just listen for the laughter and you'll find it.

  3. Come on thai ty! IBC has never heard of you and I mean Internationally

  4. Sorry but your email doesnt work

    Soon (once back from vacation at end of this month) i plan to breed my bettas. This will be my first time and ive enjoyed your series of videos over the topic and feel well prepared. My only question is that, even though they are in seperate tanks, my bettas seem to have already noticed eachother and my female has been round with eggs for a few weeks. So will it harm her to continue to hold them for another 18 days? I dont want her harmed and she seems to have made a tiny bubble nest of her own??

    Sorry to bother you with questions, but i was unable to find the answer on your youtube.


  5. Hi,
    (Clearing throat after reading above comments)ok.
    I tried to post a question on your you tube but for some reason it won't post.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge minus the bad language. My question is how many sponge filters are needed for a 10 gallon? You have several connected in the tank you show on your video. I would also like to order food from you and was wondering if you have a cambodian ct female for sale?
    On one of your videos you were showing male CT that you kept mentioning they were bred hard. Is this healthy for them and how does breeding affect your females when breeding them every 7 days? I'm asking because I think the way bettas are sold in pet stores is totally inhumane. I ended up with 5 bettas when only going to purchase 1 because most of them were dying and I chose the healthiest ones to buy so they wouldn't end up like the other dying bettas and thus the start of my betta obsession. Do you actually sell all of the thousands and thousands of bettas you spawn?
    You don't have veil tails as one of the bettas listed for a favorite. Veil tails are the most beautiful of all and have the best personalities in my opinion. Halfmoons would come in at a close second.

  6. I have to say I am only on video 6 and I can say I have made 2 major mistakes already, I turned the sponge filter off after the last egg was laid but turned it back on as soon as they started swimming vertical. 2) I have had the heater on the entire time. I am also still in a glass tank dammit!

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