Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Thai Ty Betta Import n Breeder website is now open to public!!

 Attention all betta customers- our web site is open to public as of now and is functioning up and running ! Be sure visit our home page for Thai Ty Betta Import n Breeder for more images and in depth articles more betta knowledge and images! so be sure not to miss our new site open to the public as of now, and as with this site even more will be added every week and it will continue to grow and improve. so go to-

 also be sure not to miss our official you tube video channel full of videos and episodes exclusively from Thai Ty Betta Import n Breeder, so be sure visit -

also if you need our email adress here it is just in case-  ( however we prefer contacting  us be done through you tube inbox at our account or our blogspot ( blogger ) account her, but if you still need contact us via email our yahoo adress is

 So be sure check out our official other sites like our you tube channel full of videos and episodes and series' of betta advice showcasing breeding etc and dont miss our home web page/official site for more fun images information articles and knowledge regarding bettas. So enjoy!


  1. Hello,

    I would like to inquire about purchasing two breeding pairs from you. I have watched a lot of your videos and feel knowledgeable enough to try my hand at it. You have gorgeous fish which has led me to want to buy from you. I do not wish to sell any of my fry. I want to house as many as I can.



  2. I cant seem to be able to contact any one. I would like to buy your fry food, betta, and ask some advanced PK/dragon breeding tips.... please help OB1.

  3. I cant get an answer from anyone i haved tryed email and youtube i wound like to buy some products please get back to me 805 325 3842 thanks
